September 20, 2024

The Nerve Archive

Where Government Gets Exposed

Charleston Council Approves Park Purchase

The NerveBy Warwick Jones
Citizen Reporter


At the Dec. 16 Charleston County Council meeting, final approval for funding was given to the Parks and Recreation Commission to join with the town of Mount Pleasant to purchase 246 acres for a park on Rifle Range Road for $20 million.

Under details of the plan, the Parks and Recreation Commission will use $8.62 million of half-cent sales tax funds to help meet its $10 million share of the cost.

The town of Mount Pleasant will also draw $4.66 million from the half-cent sales tax revenues through its urban-allocation entitlement to fund its $10 million commitment.

Parks and Recreation Commission Executive Director Tom O’Rourke thanked the county council and also noted that the PRC had now depleted the $36 million it had been allocated from sales tax revenues.

But he went on to say that the funds had allowed Parks and Recreation to considerably expand its park holdings, build up the county’s green space, provide facilities and create new boat landings.

County council also agreed to sales tax funding recommended by the Greenbelt Bank to buy 157 acres abutting the town of Meggett, which has 3,800 feet of frontage to Toogoodoo Creek. The cost was $2.72 million. There was no matching financing.

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