September 7, 2024

The Nerve Archive

Where Government Gets Exposed

Fun Stuff: Lawmakers Get Calls, Take to Facebook

Katrina Shealy

These days, everybody gets to watch

Only a few years ago, contentious conversations between politicians were almost exclusively the stuff of oral tradition. You had to hear about it from someone. With the advent of Facebook, however, these conversations frequently happen in full public view. This happened recently, and we thought our readers might enjoy hearing about it.

An organization called Americans for Prosperity (AFP) recently began placing automated phone calls (sometimes called “robocalls”) to South Carolina residents, evidently advising them to call their lawmakers and urge them to oppose an increase in the gas tax.

It seems Sen. Katrina Shealy (R-Lexington) received a few calls, and was sufficiently irritated to respond on Facebook (see the post above).

In response, someone named Teri Sullivan asked: “How do you know that AFP HASN’T contributed to the flood relief efforts? You obviously don’t know what the Greenville team did. Please don’t jump to conclusions.”

To this, Sen. Shealy replied: “Well I guess they will let me know. If they are working hard I am sure they will be proud of their efforts. There wasn’t much flood damage in Greenville – did they come to Columbia to help? Just curious? We still have lots of needs here if they want to help.”

Sullivan: “Why would you expect them to tell you about their flood relief efforts? They did not have extensive damage in Greenville, so they suspended their operations for a week and organized a donation drive to send flood relief supplies to, yes, Columbia. Feel free to contact them for more details. AFP is always on the side of the people, even when they get no recognition for that, but are instead demonized by the political class (aka, Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi).”

(We’re guessing Sullivan is affiliated with AFP, but don’t know.)

No reply from Shealy.

Sen. Shane Massey, meanwhile, also received some calls: “Lots of folks have,” he complained – somewhat more mildly by comparison with Shealy – “apparently received yet another robocall from Americans for Prosperity about a gas tax increase. Strange timing since the General Assembly is not in session and will not be in session until January 12, 2016.

Talbert Black, a contributor to The Nerve, replied: “Seems like a good idea to keep it on people’s minds. The tax will be paid year round if it’s implemented … Not just during the legislative season!”

Massey: “If it’s implemented . . . and I think that’s a big if . . . it would definitely be paid the entire year. It can’t be implemented until then, though.”

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