By PHILLIP CEASE Our legislators get busy — silencing critics Over the past two weeks,…
Month: January 2017
By ROBERT MEYEROWITZ Same as the old boss In the course of several minutes Wednesday…
BY ELISABETH PARKER Where is it? In those ‘carry-forwards’ Every year around this time, state…
BY PHILLIP CEASE My Last Nerve: We’re gonna need a bigger gift shop South Carolina,…
BY ROBERT MEYEROWITZ ‘We think you spilled something, mop it up,’ Court holds The South…
BY ROBERT MEYEROWITZ We’ll need to see that hair removal You’ll sometimes hear us griping…
BY ROBERT MEYEROWITZ It could be the end of the mess we’ve been telling you…
BY PHILLIP CEASE MY LAST NERVE: Legislators burned our house Earlier this week, a state…
Throwback: Measuring economic impact We’re often told that we live in The Information Age, just…
By ROBERT MEYEROWITZ Pre-filed bills show pols up to old tricks When the South Carolina legislature…
BY PHILLIP CEASE Port-a-potties need a break — we’ve all thought that, right? There’s another…
Throwback: Taxes Flow to Federal Lobbyists The Nerve arose from the swamp — well, wetlands…