The South Carolina Policy Council – The Nerve’s parent organization – and Americans for Tax Reform, a national taxpayer advocacy group, are touring the state next week to promote proposed constitutional amendments on the Nov. 8 ballot to increase the state’s two main “rainy-day” funds, according to a news release from the organizations.
“The amendments do not raise taxes,” SCPC and ATR said in the release. “They simply require our state to save more of the money it already collects. If passed, South Carolina’s reserve accounts will be more in line with those in other states.”
“It’s important as we get closer to the election that we focus peoples’ attention on what is at the end of the ballot,” said Dallas Woodhouse, SCPC’s executive director.
The Nerve in August reported that according to a statewide poll by the Policy Council, a plurality of voters indicated general support for the proposals when explained in plain language. But the total expressed support didn’t break the 50% mark and dropped noticeably when voters were given the exact text of the amendments as it will appear on the general election ballot.
One of the amendments would increase the General Reserve Fund (GRF) over four fiscal years from 5% to 7% of general fund revenues from the latest completed fiscal year, while the other amendment would raise the Capital Reserve Fund (CRF) from 2% to 3% of those revenues.
SCPC and ATR will meet voters and the media at the following locations next week:
Monday, Oct. 31
10:30 a.m. Greenville
20 E. Broad St., Greenville (near Camperdown Plaza), Greenville, SC 29601
2:30 p.m. Columbia
South Carolina Policy Council office building
1323 Pendleton St., Columbia, SC 29201
3 p.m. Statewide press call
Join via Zoom (click here)
Tuesday, Nov. 1
11 a.m. Charleston
Joe Riley Waterfront Park – Pineapple Fountain
Vendue Range, Concord Street, Charleston, SC 29401
2 p.m. Florence
James Allen Plaza
109 South Dargan St., Florence, SC 29501
Brundrett is the news editor of The Nerve (www.thenerve.org). Contact him at 803-394-8273 or rick@thenerve.org. Follow him on Twitter @RickBrundrett. Follow The Nerve on Facebook and Twitter @thenervesc.
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