By Kelly Payne
Citizen Reporter
Speaking at Dutch Fork High School last week, state Superintendent of Education Jim Rex discussed financial transparency, the challenges facing public schools and the need to recruit and retain quality teachers.Rex, talking to an upper level social studies class at the Irmo school, discussed the Teach For America program where the top 1 percent of Ivy League graduates teach for two years in high-poverty school districts. South Carolina is in the process of partnering with Teach For America next year.
The students asked Rex how South Carolina can cut a path toward better schools and what exactly is needed in order to increase academic achievement. Rex responded that the state needs stable funding, smart spending and the ability to reward outstanding teachers and replace bad ones.
Rex is serving out his final months as South Carolina’s top school leader.
Rex was the latest in a series of guests to speak to students. Previous speakers this semester were Rep. Nikki Haley, Rep. Nathan Ballentine, state Treasurer-Elect Curtis Loftis, Richland County Council Chairman Damon Jeter and The State reporter John O’Connor.
Kelly Payne is a teacher at Dutch Fork High School.