September 7, 2024

The Nerve Archive

Where Government Gets Exposed

Supremes douse trashcan blaze


‘We think you spilled something, mop it up,’ Court holds

The South Carolina Supreme Court issued its ruling late yesterday in the matter of succession to the lieutenant governorship and the hash the state senate made of a constitutional amendment.

Essentially, the Court said the constitution was unimpaired by the legislature’s shenanigans, and that while the constitution does not say so, until 2018, a vacancy in the office of lieutenant governor must be filled by the senate president pro tem ascending to the post.

There’s not much reasoning here. The Court seems to find the whole matter something along the lines of an inconvenience, easily remedied, despite the legislature having mangled the constitution, as we saw it.

This means that Senate President Hugh Leatherman should become lieutenant governor once Nikki Haley is confirmed as ambassador to the United Nations and Henry McMaster becomes governor — something Leatherman has vowed not to do.

Alternately, Leatherman could resign his senate presidency, the senate could elect a new president pro tem, who would become lieutenant governor — Senator Kevin Bryant has said he wants the job — and Leatherman could run yet again for his old post.

Cue the merry-go-round.




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