September 18, 2024

The Nerve Archive

Where Government Gets Exposed

Katrina Fay

Citizen Reporter Katrina Fay of Hickory Tavern spent a career in technical and program development as an electrical engineer in private industry and the federal government. She and her husband moved to South Carolina to start a small organic farm after he retired in 2006 from a career in the U.S. Marine Corps. During her career as an engineer, Katrina was apathetically uninvolved in self-governing. But she later resolved to take personal action to hold individual public servants specifically accountable when she began investigating neighbors’ repeated allegations of Laurens County corruption. She formed the Laurens County Citizens’ Watch to publish the development of her lawsuits, performance appraisals, administrative complaints and interactions with various agencies and elected officials. In 2013, she launched another government watchdog website known as South Carolina Citizens Watch (